Notable freeware lists

Some of the best freeware lists for your needs: Gizmos freeware reviews: Provides useful comparison of various freeware tools sorted by reviewers rating. MakeUseOf – Windows, Linux, Mac: Another great collection of useful software (not necessarily freeware). Do check out their site for other categories like Android, iPhone, iPhone and such Addictivetips: A great blog with information related to useful software and tweaks.

Email validation using regex

I believe using regular expression is a very bad idea for validating an email address. The main issue seems to stem from the fact that regex is primitive tool to validate the complexity in email grammar, as specified in RFC 5322. Recently I tried registering for an account at the RTA mobile site at, all went fine except for the fact that my valid email account which I have been using since 2006 is not recognized as a valid one.


Life, is to remember and let go… ~Lost

Exchange OWA Single Sign On

Had my 2 hours locked on this one issue and wanted to note it down for future / others reference. Back at work we are currently planning to roll out Exchange 2010 and part of the migration includes branding of the web login page of the Exchange (OWA). Started off with replicating all the form fields set as hidden input types and did a post to /owa/auth/owaauth.dll. This worked fine for logging users who had mailboxes in Exchange 2010, but when a user whose mailbox were still residing on the legacy (Exchange 2007) system tried logging in it simply redirected the user to legacy OWA’s login screen.

Opening “Computer” or drive list screen by default in Windows 7

If you are looking for making Windows 7 open the list of drives screens (“Computer” or “My Computer”) change the shortcut command to %windir%\explorer.exe /e,::{20d04fe0-3aea-1069-a2d8-08002b30309d}

Taming the Google Search and IE search provider

I really hate Google search service on one issue, the main search page by default chooses the language of the country of request origin. If Google had to proactively guess the language of my choice, they would have better used the “Language Preference” that I have set in the browser, but instead they blindly stuff everybody up with the language of the country of the requests origin. For this reason I have set my home page to https://www.

DVCS it is!

After CodePlex announced that they are supporting Mercurial, I have been seeing a lot about it on the net. In the following months I am slowly planning to switch over to Mercurial from my existing system. Below are few links that I found useful in understanding and evaluating Mercurial: Fog Creek has released a source control system named Kiln based on Mercurial, and Joel Spolsky has posted a very nice tutorial / introduction to Mercurial.