Displaying SYS_REFCURSOR / CURSOR results from Oracle in Toad

I keep forgetting this method when I try to debug a procedure after some interval, so I am blogging it for my own reference.


      i_user_domain   IN     IEMS_USERS.DOMAIN%TYPE,
      i_user_login    IN     IEMS_USERS.LOGIN%TYPE,
      o_roles            OUT SYS_REFCURSOR);

Generally, we can right click on the procedure name on the schema browser and select Execute package, which gives the skeleton for executing your procedure. Once we have the code, we just add a refcursor variable at the top, assign its value from the output of the procedure and then print it at the end.

Oracle Managed ODP.NET

Note:This documentation/guide is based on Managed ODP.NET v11. Beta

Download Managed ODP.NET from Oracle Technology Network.

Finally Oracle has released a pure .NET based client for connecting and working with Oracle databases from your CLR world without the dependencies lying around in the GC ignorant world. With a reference added to the Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll which weighs a mere 6+ MB’s (against 150+ MB’s previously) you are ready to get started with you day-to-day interaction to the 10g R2 or higher Oracle Databases.

WebAPI – Multiple actions were found that match the request

WebAPI looks very suitable for exposing RESTful services for any web based application. So, during a recent implementation of WebAPI on a project I was receiving the Multiple actions were found that match the request exception. To get some context below was my setup: The route configuration: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 public static class WebApiConfig { public static void Register( HttpConfiguration config ) { config.

Dapper – Micro ORM for Oracle and Microsoft .NET

I have been on the hunt for an easier ORM tool to help with my day-to-day work. Till now the ones I have tested have fallen short of fulling one of criteria: Should work with Oracle Should support multiple REFCURSOR output parameters from Oracle Stored Procedures and OracleDbType’s We use stored procedures exclusively for our CURD operations, so this is the determining requirement and I do not like compromising having an abstract layer which does not support OracleDbType’s just because it has to work with other DB’s

Map your SkyDrive to a drive on your PC

Reference: http://www.howtogeek.com/56096/how-to-use-skydrives-25-gb-as-a-mapped-drive-for-easy-access/ — On Windows 7 you can store the online credentials in your windows account so you don’t have to login every time you visit the online drive Go to Control Panel –> User Accounts –> User Accounts –> Link online IDs Choose to “Link online ID” using the WindowsLiveID provider Provide your login credentials for the Windows Live ID —- Visit http://skydrive.live.com Navigate to one of the sub-folder and note down the “cid” parameter in the query string

Installing Chirpy for VS2011

Chirpy is great, it combine, minifies and validates our JavaScript, stylesheet and dotless files. It also auto-updates T4 and T4MVC templates. One problem though is getting to install chirpy didn’t work out smoothly with the Nuget install command. The below was the steps taken for a successful installation: First get Chocolatey by using the following command from your command prompt 1 @powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "iex ((new-object net.

Dotnet developers reference to Xcode, iOS, iPhone development

Been working on an iPhone app for our organization, and being a full-time DotNet based developer working on Xcode and iOS development had its quirks. I am documenting my experience on the first few runs so that others can benefit on the same. Adding existing project to a local GIT repository Terminal to the folder where the root of the project is and give the following commands 1 2 3 git init git add .